Proem of my Life

I am Sangay Yangdon. I am from Wamrong, Tashigang. During break, I mostly stay at Tashigang with parents. I completed my primary schooling from Wandgicholing Lower Secondary School, Bumthang and completed my secondary education from Lhuentse Higher Secondary School, Lhuentse. I really like spending time with old people and wanted to work in old age centers but somehow I landed up here in Paro College of Education. Well, the children and old people are similar with their innocent personalities thus it’s thrilling and exciting in pursuing primary education. My father is the only person who made me the present strong women I am. He literally taught me how to be kind, be content with what we have and to stay humble and loyal without any expectations. The philosophy of teaching and learning that I believe is “Give and Take”. You teach the best you know and at the time you learn from others too. Emotionally matured person is being able to handle all the emotions. I cannot hide emotions or pretend to show fake emotions.

Thank You. 


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