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Blog is actually a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group that is written in an informal or conversational style. And this is my blog which goes by “Watashino Jinsei” meaning My Life. On March 2 nd , I have published a blog “Proem of my life” which consist of my background. On this same date, I updated another one which goes by “My first best friend and youngest of the family”. In this blog, I have posted a picture of my little brother and mine together for he is my first best friend as well. I didn’t attend regular update like usual blogger does. My next blog was updated on 13 th April which talks about festivals and mask dance (Image 1) which will be appropriate to use while teaching about festivals and mask dances to the students. On this same date, I even posted one reflection of an article which is about integration of ICT and I posted another one which is the activity of ICT integrated done in classroom as classwork. My next po

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Critical Reflection on any learning experience (Google Classroom)

( Image 5) Dispersed Settlement

Brochure (PPT)

Reflection on use of ICT educational tools in teaching and learning

(Image 4) Dranyen

Excursion (30.04.2023) Short trip with Best friends. I used my bestie's tiktok apps to edit this video.

May 2nd #Teachers'Day #PicnicDay #Friendsforlife 🫶

(Image 3)My Besties as Learning Materials 🤣😁😎

(Image 2) Domestic Animals 🤍

ICT Intregrated Activity